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Questions To Ask Prospective Financial Advisers

    Picking the right financial adviser can be a daunting proposition, you will be sharing your personal
    dreams and financial situation with them. You may be working with them for a number of years and
    making the wrong choice could be stressful and expensive.

    Whilst I hope that you would like to work with Plan with Neil, we may not be suited or I may not
    have capacity to take on new clients. To assist, I’ve put together a list of questions you should ask a
    prospective Financial Adviser.

    By getting answers to these questions, you will get a true flavour of what they are about and
    whether they are the right adviser for you.

    • What do you do?
    • Are you independent or restricted?
    • Do you have other clients like me?
    • What qualifications do you hold personally?
    • What qualifications does your team hold?
    • What’s your investment approach or philosophy?
    • Do you offer Cashflow Forecasting?
    • Will you help me ensure that my Life Insurance and protection needs are met?
    • Will you act in a fiduciary capacity when providing me with advice?
    • How much access will I get to you when I need you?
    • Are you directly authorised by the FCA or an appointed representative of another organisation?
    • How do you charge?
    • Can I walk away after the initial advice if I don’t want to go any further?
    • How big is your team?
    • Would I have a dedicated person to contact when needed?
    • What are your plans for the business over the next xx years?
    • Who owns the company?
    • How many clients do you work with at present?
    • What is the best thing that you have ever done/ achieved for one of your clients?
    • Can you put me in touch with a couple of your clients to have a chat with?
    • How long will it take to receive advice?
    • Will I have mobile access to all the files and financial info?